Windows to the soul?

You’ve probably heard the phrase “like a deer in the headlights” to describe a certain facial expression.

If I showed you any piece of photo identification I’ve ever owned, you’d quickly see that no matter how much time I’m given to prepare to be photographed, no matter how hard I try to look natural and prevent my eyeballs from looking like they’re about to pop out of my skull, I nearly always look stunned in the resulting picture. What does that say about my soul?!

One of the goals during my year-long daily photo project was to make a self-portrait. Why? It’s hard to explain. If I were my own subject, maybe I’d be free to show a side of myself I couldn’t comfortably show to others. Maybe, as the maker, I’d gain some practice in posing, composition, lighting and post-processing in order to get the look I wanted.

But I didn’t want this to involve a selfie-stick, a bathroom mirror, or a pout. I’ve seen a lot of selfies, but I can probably count on one hand how many I’ve ever made. I was hoping for something a little more subtle, more muted. Something that allowed for a bit of mystery, a bit of performance, but also an element of truth. And since I had total control of the process, I was also hoping to avoid resembling a spooked animal.

After a number of attempts, this was the least startled my eyeballs could manage (not bad!):

October 13 (1 of 1).jpg

Well, I waited 364 days, but now I can cross self-portrait off my to-do list. Though I guess it’s more like a partial self-portrait. Okay, it’s just eyes and some bangs.

I’ll leave it with you for analysis 🙂

8 thoughts on “Windows to the soul?

  1. ❤ It is most excellent to see your eyes, thank you for that. My first impression is that you seem about 13, a bit apprehensive and rather poetic. The fact that you took this one yourself, makes it even better. Beautiful how the colours of your hair and eyes match. (Which reminds me of a funny fact that in my amore's ID his eyes are called "castani" and his hair "marrone", even though these are both chestnuts, only ones are a bit bigger than the others. 😀 )

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    • Hehehe, a little older than 13 (let’s call this rendition “stylized”), apprehensive – I would agree, poetic – surprising, but a compliment! Thank you, as always, for your kind words and thoughtful insights 🙂

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