For keeps.

I’m disappointed that life has recently gotten in the way of photography and blog posts. But I couldn’t let today pass by without a tribute to the Mr. – a guy who barely even raises an eyebrow when I suggest we spend our anniversary touring abandoned buildings. And who doesn’t even complain when I order him to pose beside various busted windows.

More than ever, Mr. – for reasons far deeper and more plentiful than I’ve mentioned here – I’m so grateful to have you by my side. Happy anniversary 💕


10 thoughts on “For keeps.

  1. Absolutely gorgeous photos! Love these abandoned buildings. The architecture and well-worn surfaces are so interesting. I’m happy to hear the buildings will be repurposed into condos. You have a wonderful husband. 🙂

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  2. My goodness, happy belated Anniversary! I’m sorry I’m late to seeing this post – I’ve been travelling in Mexico – but I’m so pleased to be catching up with you now. I love each of these pictures and that you’ve such a fun and adventurous Mr 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, thank you! Are you back from your travels? How exciting!

      I think it’s a stretch to call either the Mr. or I “adventurous” but perhaps we’ll work on that during our second half of life 😊

      How did your historical tour go a few weeks ago? Are you planning any more in the summer? I would love to make a day of it in Toronto…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yup, back now! We had a great time. Just my sister and I – we spent a few days in Mexico City and then traveled south to the Pacific Coast. Lots of fun – but my god, so, so hot on the coast. Whew …

        Thank you so much for asking 🙂 The tours went really well! I was so relieved. Between you and me, public speaking is really not my thing so I was amazed when I didn’t a) faint or b) swallow my tongue. The organizer is now trying to arrange a couple for June, so it looks like more are in my future – and I would SO love it if you came down for one. I bet we’d have lots of fun 🙂

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      • Glad to hear your trip was fun (and hot!). Also glad that the tours went well… you can be proud that you tackled an experience out of your comfort zone! It helps that you enjoy the subject matter, I’m sure. I will look forward to learning about future dates – I would really enjoy joining you for a tour!

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